Strange News

Fat owners linked to fat dogs, but not fat cats

Many thanks to the Lempert Report for alerting us to a piece...

Chillax, the ’09 banned words list has arrived

DETROIT — Drawing nominations from English enthusiasts and those just plain tired of overused expressions, Lake Superior State University's Word Banishment Committee has issued its list of words and phrases it deems time to be "unfriended...

Couple accused of stealing Christmas gifts, setting fire to church

MODESTO, Calif. — Officers arrested a married couple suspected of breaking into a Modesto church late Tuesday, stealing Christmas gifts intended for needy children and starting a fire, a police spokesman said...

Philadelphia airport screener disciplined over prank

DETROIT — A University of Michigan student boarding a plane in Philadelphia to return to Detroit Metro Airport from winter break got a big fright in the form of a prank by an airport security screener...