Danish Plan

A gentleman’s C for the pot task force

I’ve been reading the recommendations of the Amendment 64 Implementation Task Force. They mostly remind me of Mark Twain’s description of Wagner’s music: “It’s better than it sounds.” But just barely...

Want to bring back the draft? Here’s how.

There he goes again. Rep. Charles Rangel, D-New York, has reintroduced his perennial bill to bring back the draft...

Why would anyone need a gun or an abortion?

A frequent refrain of gun control freaks is “Why does anyone need a gun?” Good question. I’ll get to it in a minute...

Cops in the schools, gun control and race

A week after the massacre at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Conn., the National Rifle Association called for immediately assigning armed police officers to every school in the country. It also called on Congress to appropriate the money to pay for doing so...

Racist progressives and guns

I’ve been exchanging emails on gun control with an old friend who also happens to be a gun-fearing, tree-hugging, knee-jerking, banners-snapping-in-the-breeze progressive...

Repeal the Second Amendment? How about the First?

Editor's Note: The original version of this article misspelled Andrew O'Connor's name...

Greetings and guesses from Tel Aviv

Editor’s note: Boulder Weekly columnist Paul Danish is in Israel and will be writing several pieces in the coming weeks about his personal observations on the ongoing conflict there...

30 years later, why Otrona didn’t compute

It didn’t come as a shock when I turned 70 last summer. I had seen it coming for a long time...

Why Romney lost — and how to win next time

Republicans have started a conversation on why they lost the election and on what they have to do to win the next one...

Roger Sherman and the 210,328 complications

Roger Sherman says that legalizing marijuana is not a simple question...

The Denver Post supports marijuana legalization — before opposing it

The Denver Post ran an odd editorial on Oct. 15 in which it averred its support for marijuana legalization, but opposed the passage of Amendment 64, which would legalize marijuana in Colorado...

The wrong marijuana message

There they go again...