Danish Plan

John Calhoun, call your office

According to a recent poll, taken over the Fourth of July holiday of all times, nearly four out of 10 likely voters are so...

Anti-fracking initiative uses, uh, unpaid petition circulators

Anti-fracking activists have got their shorts in a knot because pro-fracking activists have been shadowing some of their Initiative 97 petition circulators and urging...

Tales from Rocky Flats, and why it should stay off-limits

It’s not often that I find myself endorsing anything that the Rocky Mountain Peace and Justice Center has its fingerprints on, but I agree...

San Francisco’s suit against ExxonMobil goes up in smoke

Well that didn’t take long. On April 17, Boulder sued ExxonMobil and Suncor for damages stemming from global warming caused by the carbon dioxide released...

The Moving Finger writes: CO2 in the atmosphere continues to increase

“The Moving Finger writes; and, having writ, Moves on: nor all thy Piety nor Wit Shall lure it back to cancel half a Line, Nor...

Gaza: The usual suspects and the usual lies

Whenever Hamas’s excitable boys in Gaza pick a fight with Israel — as they did in 2008, 2014 and this spring — it plays...

The cost of killing nuclear power

”For all sad words of tongue and pen, The saddest are these, ‘It might have been.’” — John Greenleaf Whittier I t’s been obvious for a...

Boulder’s suit against ExxonMobil is based on a pack of lies

The Boulder City Council has done some astonishingly stupid things when it steps outside of its core areas of incompetence, which include managing growth,...

Democracy dies in darkness — among other places

Early last year the Washington Post, after vetting about 500 candidate slogans, adopted as its motto the phrase “Democracy Dies in Darkness.” An interesting choice,...

Three ways City Council’s gun ban will make Boulder less safe

The common theme that ran through the testimony of the 30 people who spoke in favor of Boulder’s proposed assault rifle ban last week...

Why no one cares about privacy anymore — in three...

The Cambridge Analytica/Facebook mess reminded me of a piece written eight years ago by Declan McCullagh, a journo who at the time was writing...

Russia’s war on GMOs

According to a story in the Des Moines Register and reports elsewhere, it seems that a lot of the world’s anti-GMO propaganda is being...