Letters: 3/30/17

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Great rebuttal to Danish!

Thank you, BW, for featuring as a guest column, the very well-written, empathetic, and factual piece by Dennis Duckett [Re: “Danish is all about propaganda,” March 16]. I also tire of Paul Danish’s “regurgitation of right-wing propaganda”— his classing the protesters at Standing Rock as “slobs” was one of his most egregiously distorted pack of lies.

I only hope that Mr. Duckett will further publicize the facts and truth that he witnessed at his various visits to Standing Rock, as even the conventional media fell far short of presenting the full story on how the protectors were victimized in trying to clean-up their encampment site.

Robert Ferenc/Longmont

Answers for Trump and his supporters

“Who knew a health care bill would be so difficult to put together?”

I did. And so did patients, nurses, doctors, insurance representatives and CEOs, and those familiar with Sen. Ted Kennedy who, in 1962, began a 40-year career writing laws to improve cancer research, health insurance, disability discrimination, AIDS care, civil rights, mental health benefits and children’s health insurance. Millions throughout this great country and world, we all knew.

What do you expect from a party that won the White House with derision and ultimatums? After eight years, Republicans have hate and obstruction down to a science. Of course, addressing selfish, superficial, destructive behavior in Republicans’ should not distract us from addressing the hateful things Democrats say and do.

Democrats and Republicans … violent extremists must be silenced … moderates must rule.

Curtis Griffin/Boulder

Keep ACA

Please don’t have us lose our health care. We are the elderly and the poor. The rich do not need tax breaks. Thank you.

Allen Feld/Boulder

Health care revolt

I am writing to remind your readers of the deplorable health care options available to us. The Affordable Care Act at least tried to offer help to millions who would not be able to afford coverage on their own.

Why does one of wealthiest countries on Earth have such a hard time providing even the most basic health care at a reasonable price people can afford? The Republican proposal does nothing to improve access or lower costs. It penalizes the elderly and the working class in order to pour more money into the pockets of insurance companies and drug manufacturers. Let’s implement a fair system. Get rid of insurance business and provide care directly to the people. Health care does not need to be free. That would cause abuses. But it needs to be in line with real costs. I for one am seriously condidering dropping my insurance altogether if Obamacare ends. I have better uses for my hard earned money than lining the pockets of insurance companies.

Sinikka Pember/Blackhawk, CO

Senator Gardner supports killing baby animals

I am deeply troubled that Sen. Gardner voted to legalize killing baby animals and hibernating bears on refuges (i.e., OUR public lands) throughout Alaska via House Joint Resolution 69, a resolution to nullify a U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service’s rule that protected these carnivores, which passed Tuesday, March 21. Why should we care in Colorado? We should care because it’s messed up. It sets a precedent across the county that inhumane and unsportsmanlike behavior is acceptable — clearly Sen. Gardner thinks so. Our rooted respect for the land, mountains and wildlife in Colorado defines us as a community and Sen. Gardner does not reflect that.

Hailey Hawkins/Longmont

Note to Sessions

Just want to say I smoked pot at 16 years of age and most of my 20s. I am now 65 years old. Then one day I decided no more (too much lethargy). So much for the “evil pot addiction.” Never thought much about it again.

Could have had some anytime, especially after it became legal and some friends were growing it or I could get medical or recreational pot easily. Meanwhile, I did go through a bout of “real” drug addiction around the age of 20 when I ran into a high school girlfriend who was involved with heroin and I allowed myself to get involved (unfortunately). After about one year I landed in jail for a while, which helped me withdraw and upon release, never looked back. Fast forward to a year and a half ago, I elected to receive knee replacement and was given generous prescriptions of hydrocodone and codeine (narcotics). After three days of taking codeine (which still feels fine to me), I decided I needed off the drugs because of very bad digestion problems on top of other recuperation traumas.  

Then I discovered “The Drops.” An edible that enabled me to take very slight doses and brought back much appreciated sleep! (Throbbing after knee surgery really sucks at night when trying to sleep.) So just want to say BEEN THERE DONE THAT!

I know what real addiction is (I still have a needle track scar) and smoked pot over 10 years everyday as well, and I can personally vouch it’s not addictive. (I quit cigarettes, too — much worse!) Smoking or using pot is a CHOICE and not one that’s hard at all to put down (physically anyway) Evil? Bad people? Not hardly. Controllable? I still even forget to take a drop some days even though it really helps take the edge off a very hard working day. Moderation is the key (as with lots of things) and medically it’s a miracle HERB. I say to these stuffed shirts, GET OVER IT! Here’s to happy healing and responsible adult enjoyment!

Andy Koenig/Longmont Co.

Bennet voted correctly

It was heartbreaking watching the House of Representatives pass House Joint Resolution 69, which allows egregious and cruel killing methods on 76 million acres of federal public lands in Alaska — but it was positively gut-wrenching watching the Senate follow suit. With this vote, Congress has now voted in favor of wolf pups being killed in their dens, and grizzly bears being caught in barbaric steel-jawed leghold traps and wire snares.

I want to sincerely thank my senator, Michael Bennet, for voting against this horrible resolution. I’m grateful that the Senate has members willing to listen to their constituents and stand up against this cruelty. Those that voted yes on the resolution should be ashamed of themselves.

Social media has made it easier than it’s ever been for constituents to contact their lawmakers, and I appreciate the responses I’ve received from Sen. Michael Bennet.

Now H.J. Res. 69 is headed to President Trump’s desk, and I implore him to listen to the vast majority of Americans who do not want this to pass.

Britton Slagle/Aurora

Congress’s chance to lead

Trump’s shallow, paranoid leadership that has increased our country’s social schism promises to do the same with the country’s economic class division, and has damaged our international reputation. The new administration clearly has no clue how to implement important economic and social reforms without destroying the past 50 years of societal gains. As a result, Congress is in the unusual position of being able to drive this effort. Achieving this will require a level of cooperation between chambers and between parties that has been missing these last 20 years or so. Doing so will greatly contribute to restoring confidence in at least one branch of our government.

The path goes through the budget process. Ordinarily, the president submits a budget proposal to Congress, which then funds it through appropriations bills. Party politics, insider back-scratching and concern for the common good usually result in appropriations that generally reflect the proposed budget. Trump, elected by a minority of voters and therefore carrying no mandate, submitted a budget proposal that grossly differs from what the majority of Americans believe is important for our country’s health, prosperity, security and freedom. It merits no consideration. Congress will best support Americans through an appropriations package that ignores Trump’s proposed budget, incorporating the middle class economic support that this past election demonstrated is needed while continuing a reasonable level of support for the social progress that our country has championed for the past several decades.

Congress’ responsibility is to act on our country’s behalf. It is our responsibility to encourage our elected representatives to work together and to promise our support when they do. We must urge them to use the budget to produce targeted political gains and flash-point-avoiding compromises to keep our country great, begin the social healing process and re-establish confidence in our system of government.

Paul Atcheson/Longmont