Inaccessible world



The road to the Danish Plan

It would be wrong to say that Boulder wasn’t concerned about growth until 1971. In the 1950s and 1960s Boulder was plenty concerned about growth — specifically about how to get more of it...


Driving vs. eating...

The legalized immorality of Big Pharma

Al Capone, the infamous mob boss and bootlegger in Chicagoland during the 1920s, always maintained that he was just a businessman, saying the only difference between him and others was that the law criminalized his business, while legalizing the criminality of ...

Hippies and street people

On April 21, KGNU Radio hosted a 1960s-themed party at the History Colorado Center at 1200 Broadway in Denver. Psychedelic music played while people visited a touring exhibit entitled 1968: The Year That Rocked History and a locally-produced show on the Chicano ...

Smart Track? We’re not that stupid

What does Smart Track have in common with the Brooklyn Bridge? They both get sold to suckers...

The Danish Plan recalled

Participants in Boulder’s current conversation about growth are starting to allude to the Danish Plan, the growth control ordinance I wrote in 1976 that was adopted by a vote of the people in the November election that year, so I thought I’d provide some background ...


In the news story “Queering the classroom” from April 23, we incorrectly referred to sj Miller as a transgender man. The correct term for sj is trans...

Far from liberalizing global policies, TPP is corporatizing them

Words can be discombobulating when people twist them to fit concepts that are the exact opposite of what the word actually means...

Development reality check

I can’t remember how many times I’ve started off a column or news story with my favorite Harry S. Truman quote, but it’s happened a lot. There is just something about the short memory of Boulder County politicians and some residents that seems to keep it relevant. So...


It has to stop...

Hotel giants trying to peddle plastic

As everyone who travels a lot soon learns, when you stay in the hotels of the big chains, it’s easy to forget where you are, since they’re all alike, offering all the charm of Noplace, USA...

Sharing the economy

About one in three American workers are temps, according to a recent report from the Freelancers Union and a temp agency called ElanceoDesk Inc. That’s 53 million people (or 34 percent of the workforce). That’s sort of an update of a comprehensive U.S. Government ...