Student Guide 2010: Welcome to CU


What will you do with your time here?
Welcome to the first day of your future. If you’re a freshman, the next four years (give or take a semester) promise to be some of the most exciting, challenging and life-changing you’ll ever experience. Chances are, when you leave CU you won’t be the same person you were when you got here. And that’s a great thing. You’ll be smarter, more mature, more experienced and, hopefully, making more money than you are right now.

There’s a lot to do in the coming months and years, and we want you to do it all. Try a little of this, check out a little of that, find out what you love and go for it. There’s no better time or place to test your limits and explore your options. From student clubs to the great outdoors to academic challenges and bustling nightlife, CU and the city of Boulder are full of opportunities just waiting to be seized.

Of course, there are some things to look out for and times when you need to be a bit more cautious, but that’s just part of being an adult. So check out our new edition of Student Guide for tips on what and what not to do, where to go, how to have fun and how to make the most of your all-too-brief time as a Buff!


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