Tag: Jul 28 2016 issue

ICUMI (In case you missed it)

If it ain’t broke, don’t split it up In the latest proof that America has lost its damn mind, a petition to divide California into...

Reading the entrails: The latest marijuana polls

The latest marijuana legalization polls are out, and they contain bad news and good news. First, the bad news. Recent polls in both Massachusetts and Arizona...

Behind closed doors

A recording made during a 2015 meeting of oil and gas industry representatives and state regulators has surfaced. We believe the information from this...

Trump, TPP and progressives

Donald Trump is portrayed in the mainstream media as the primary critic of the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP). This is ironic since the coalition against...

The Bernie Sanders revolution is just getting started

The Bernie for President campaign is over, but the political revolution that he launched against corporate rule is just beginning.        Sanders and...

Aurora grandfather fights deportation while family hangs in the balance

Valeria Martinez is losing her dad for the third time. She watched in disbelief as the immigration judge ordered Martin Alvarez Martinez deported again....

Transparency lacking in Leeds School’s REMI report on 2,500-foot setback...

Honestly, at this point, I would have thought CU’s entire business school would be so embarrassed that everyone associated with the place would be...

Initiatives canvassers report harassment

Canvassers collecting signatures to guarantee two initiatives impacting oil and gas regulations make it on the November ballot claim they have been harassed while...

There’s something in the water

Spoiler alert: There was never any tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) in the Hugo water supply. Rather, this is a story of false positives, of fear overtaking...

Astrology 7/28/16

ARIES March 21-April 19: Free your body. Don’t ruminate and agonize about it. FREE YOUR BODY! Be brave and forceful. Do it simply and easily....

Slow-moving disaster reaches Longmont

Longmont is joining Boulder in a hotter future, with more pollution and potentially worse floods at the hand of a tiny, jewel-colored insect. The emerald...

The original English major

Somewhere in the course of our phone conversation, I ask Robert Earl Keen how he planned to use his degree in English literature after...