Tag: Jul 28 2016 issue

Kernels of knowledge

As the first fresh Boulder County-grown corn comes to markets, stands and stores, the cooking advice is pretty simple: Don’t mess with what selective...

Arise 2016

Strolling down the main vendor concourse on Saturday, the middle day, of ARISE last year, we happened upon a guy who, like us, was...

The best of Colorado wines

Colorado may be known around the country, maybe even the world, for both its macro and micro brewing industry. But let’s not forget, the...

Let’s raise a scone to Amanda

At the beginning of last year I was feeling low, quite frankly. Really low. Didn’t-want-to-get-out-of-bed low. I had weathered some personal storms that had...

Out of the car, onto the mountain

If Aristotle was right, and the whole really is greater than the sum of its parts, then James Dziezynski hit the nail on the...

‘Daughter of Dawn,’ lost and found

French critic cum filmmaker Jacques Rivette asserted that, “Every film is a documentary of its own making.” While this is true of all movies,...

Squad goals

Both the original Star Trek and Star Trek: The Next Generation got to warm up on the small screen before being called up to...

Do I tell him I’m intersex? Depends.

Dear Dan: I’m 28 years old and live in the Midwest. I’m intersex, but I identify as female. I am not out about being...

War is Helen

You’ve probably heard the old saw about sex being like pizza: “Even when it’s not that great it’s still pretty good.” The same may...

Yarn on

Artist Olek lays on her back holding a staple gun in an empty gallery, putting the final touches on her work. She laments about...