Tag: nov 02 2017 issue

What the BVSD Board of Education knew beginning in 2015

As previously reported by Boulder Weekly, Boulder Valley School District Board of Education terminated superintendent Dr. Bruce Messinger’s contract in May following an investigation...

Why BVSD can’t move forward until it deals with its past

Over the past few months, we’ve learned a lot about the inner workings of the Boulder Valley School District (BVSD). While it is full...

Letters: 11/2/17

Let’s maintain our negotiating leverage with Xcel I’m an entrepreneur and small business owner who lives in Boulder, and I’m a strong advocate for voting yes...

Why take an ‘off-ramp’ to nowhere?

In recent months our community has focused on whether or not Boulder should keep its municipal electric option. Voters will decide the issue this...

Astrology: 11/2/17

ARIES March 21-April 19: America’s Civil War ended in 1865. A veteran from that conflict later produced a daughter, Irene Triplett, who is still alive...

Yekwon Sunwoo comes to Boulder

Pianist Yekwon Sunwoo always travels with his music. “Even if I know the piece well,” he says. While on tour, he adds, “I try to...

It’s a woman’s world

MaryLynn Gillaspie and her sister Gaile had just settled into a hotel room in Tokyo when their tourmate Dizzie Gillespie called. Gaile answered the...

The only chip in the cookie

Vance Gilbert is black. Vance Gilbert plays the acoustic guitar. Vance Gilbert does not play the blues. Most of us assume a black man...

Fracking: Too late for ‘small and easy progress’

Across the globe, the movement to ban fracking is growing. France, Germany, Scotland, Ireland and the Netherlands have stopped this dangerous practice. So have...

Suburbs are hell

Things I was unprepared for in George Clooney’s Suburbicon, based on the trailers: (1) Fatt Damon spanking Julianne Moore (doing a weird Marilyn Monroe...

Degrading games

Dear Dan: I am a pretty handsome gay (I have been told) and I am dating a gorgeous man. I am 34, and he...

The cinema awaits

The Denver Film Festival (DFF) turns 40 this year, and for the next two weekends, the Sie Film Center, the UA Pavilions and the...