Dear Pharmacist

Holy Basil is a Heavenly Herb

Dear Pharmacist...

Find Out if You Are Deficient in Vitamins & Minerals

Dear Pharmacist, I started taking 5 new supplements but I’ve been noticing occasional butterflies in my chest, hair loss, heartburn and muscle twitching. I think it’s related to my vitamins because when I stop them, the symptoms goes away. Should I stop?  --T.E., ...

The Right Hormones Can Make You Happy

Dear Pharmacist...

I Told You So! The FDA Recognizes the Drug Mugging Effect

Dear Readers,I could probably write a regular “I Told You So” column because new research keeps showing up that backs up advice that I’ve been giving for years. If you are among the 21 million people in this country who take a PPI (proton pump inhibitor) used for ...

Nutrients to Help Reduce Blood Pressure and Cholesterol

Dear Pharmacist, Both my father and brother have suffered a heart attack. I’m worried because I’m 52 years old and my blood pressure is slightly elevated, but other than that, I am pretty healthy. All my tests are okay, but I am scared. Any suggestions? --P.A. Denver...