
Room to breathe

It’s time for Coloradans to take a hard look at hydraulic fracturing — fracking — and a critical view of those state lawmakers who are more interested in sucking up to the gas and oil lobby than protecting their constituents...

Science and contraception

If we want to decrease the number of unwanted pregnancies in the United States, we would do well to pay attention to the results of two recent studies on contraception. Both show that long-term methods of birth control, in particular the intrauterine device, are far ...

White guilt

Irecently received a fan letter from a reader who pleaded with me to write a novel featuring a multiracial couple. The woman who wrote the letter argued strongly that I shouldn’t let my own prejudices get in the way of crafting a love story about two people of ...

Marriage 2.0

 When the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals upholds a lower court decision to overturn California’s Proposition 8 — as it almost certainly will — it will be a victory not only for gays and lesbians, who will once again have the right to marry in California, but for ...

Rape, lies are now OK in Oklahoma

Oklahoma lawmakers must loathe women. On Tuesday, April 27, the Oklahoma State Legislature overwhelmingly voted to override vetoes of two anti-abortion measures, one that essentially legalizes the sexual violation of any woman seeking an abortion and another that...

Buck’s misogyny

Five years ago, Ken Buck, district attorney for Weld County, declined to prosecute a rape case. His reasons for doing so ought to concern every woman in Colorado regardless of political party.The case, brought to light by Progress Now, involved a young woman who was ...

A test for ‘Make My Day’

A sound wakes you from deep sleep. For a moment, you think it must have been your imagination. Then you hear it again — movement inside your house — and you realize that it’s real. A stranger has invaded your home in the dead of night...

You are what you leak

You are a living filter...

City Council’s bad decorum

Boulder City Council members seem to be confused. They seem convinced that dealing with the public at their public meetings has become difficult and that new rules are required to keep the hoi polloi from making a mockery of civil government. In truth, it’s City ...

Terrorist or freedom fighter?

Newt Gingrinch has accused him of “information terrorism” and said he should be treated like an enemy combatant. Radio personality and columnist Jeffrey T. Kuhner has said the United States should treat him as they would any other high-profile terrorist target. And ...

It’s about doggone time!

Boulder County Parks and Open Space has decided to enforce dog rules up at Walker Ranch, issuing a “directed patrol” for the Meyers Homestead Trail. This means rangers will be patrolling the trail at all times of the day and will be issuing tickets on sight to people...

Tim Leifield raised awareness about HIV/AIDS in Boulder County

I met Tim Leifield in the late summer of 2006 at a table in front of CaffeSolé. In the midst of doing interviews for what became a five-part seriesabout the history of HIV/AIDS in Boulder County, I wanted to get hisperspective as the first director of Boulder County ...