
baker’s daughter

before the sun is fully crested over the barns, I pull the yellowy creams from the chest and let them soften into mornings first familiar yawn. Peeling...

the young, the the we, the all

By the virtue that we are children & were more soThat young & exposed we were cunning enough to readThat the society of the...


he wakes from his morphine mist looks up to see my sisters and my mother and me all standing around in a room suddenly thick with panic am i dying? all...

Tree in Winter

You will be here again. Your eyes closed in brightening light from a window, open in winter. Magenta blooms lidded, your forehead held by a shoulder put forward...


Send out a plea Answer me, answer me I will throw myself down in front of it Whatever it may be I have faith now I send my faith...

We are the Forgotten

We are the forgotten The people no one will remember The ones people will forget Not exceptional just ordinary We are the majority We will be remembered as a...


tea leaves spell out my thursday blues my mother calls it restless mind.  Plastic tulips sit on my nightstand so that at least one thing is timeless  every morning the sun sinks into my chambers invitation...

Free Poetry Skool @ Downtown Public Library

Poets gather like words on a page scribed in their own handwriting as illustrious lines they embody poetic form — such as , a tercet , perhaps — where this...


My heart beats change to a speed I can’t endure.There is only one cure;return to a rustic life with nature,free from this jungle lunacy...

Death-Bridge Keeper’s OTHER Five Questions (THREE Questions!)

To WHAT, from what, is time a bridge? Of WHO and WHAT is that bridge a carrier? To WHAT do the people and things the bridge carries across and back throw up a collective — and insurmountable — BarRRier??? Born...

The Rocking Chair Song

Be aware of the midnight knock, the one that sends you breathless out under moth veiled streetlights, no time to grab a toothbrush or...

Decadence Outside Dior’s

I walked down the avenue of obscenity, of unspeakable wealth, store window displays glazed with million-dollar baubles for women waltzing by in shoes of gold, bandaged faces newly contoured by plastic...