
Dirty Work

Eleanor’s childhood was still standing at the corner of Maple and Eighth. It had always been, seemed like it always would be. When she...

December 31st, America

Get dressed to go shopping to buy more Things to wear to get dressed to go shopping For more things on sale to wear only once Before...

Poetry by Dash Codiga

Renga: The first snowflake falls Bushes wear cozy white hats Winter has arrived. Remember Autumn’s warm breeze, I’d love to go back there, please. Haiku: Black wind breaks the sky; Fiery breath...

Tree in Winter

You will be here again. Your eyes closed in brightening light from a window, open in winter. Magenta blooms lidded, your forehead held by a shoulder put forward...

The Rocking Chair Song

Be aware of the midnight knock, the one that sends you breathless out under moth veiled streetlights, no time to grab a toothbrush or...

River Crossing

This morning, I ran to the edges through the tall grassss across                    the          ...


Thanks for stoplights, to notice pink waves of dawn, reflected from sandstone foothills, that drift across my windshield Thanks for hold buttons, for forced moments to focus...

Mother’s Persian Rugs

Mother wouldn’t have liked those three men— with their long grizzly beards and big Milwaukee guts, not to mention the mud they tracked all over Mother’s Persian rugs. That day it...

‘So, You’re a Poet’

Don’t read into the title, “So, You’re a Poet,” just see it for what it is. There’s no question mark, no other words. It’s...

Colorado Goddamn

Dear Nina, Two years in, milady, and all Boulder has taught me is that keeping up with the Joneses still keeps one oblivious to the...


Uppermost in almost anybody’s mind these days (Not to impute Platonic shape to space) Desire (as if it were a thing) will blaze Entre nous anew, prognosticating...