Weed Between the Lines

A theoretical distinction

Prior to the 2018 Farm Bill, hemp was classified as a Schedule I substance, just like marijuana. That bill not only decriminalized hemp containing...

Dunafon an alternative to Hickenlooper/Beauprez

I grew up in a family with Democratic blood, and I’ve voted on that side of the fence more often than not. Though I’ve been registered as an independent for the last decade or so, I voted for John Hickenlooper as governor of Colorado four years ago.Hickenlooper’s ...

Cannabis rises to assuage the crimson wave in New York

There is no just description of uterine pain, no words that can adequately express its fury, although something like a star collapsing into a...

The myth of cannabis and teens

I don’t put a lot of faith in surveys, studies or polls, especially on hot-button issues like cannabis, when they are used by advocates or prohibitionists to bolster or attack one point of view or another. I’d like to be able to say, as some are these days, that ...

Baby Boomers smoking more

Getting old is exhausting, amirite? After destroying the planet and electing a 70-year-old predator who wholeheartedly believes that people are impressed by fake tanner,...

Bridging the knowledge gap

There are 27,000 licensed physicians in the state of Colorado. According to the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE), only 311 of...

Alternate routes

Ask people in the cannabis industry what their top priorities for marijuana sustainability are and you’re going to hear a lot of talk about...

Sin tax scholarships

Cannabis is currently recreationally legal in 21 states, the Northern Mariana Islands, the U.S. Virgin Islands, and Washington D.C. Across those states there are...

Lessons from prohibition about treating marijuana like alcohol

On Dec. 5, 1933, the 21st Amendment to the United States Constitution was ratified and alcohol prohibition in America came to an end. Although...

Council needs to clarify the ‘incidental advertising’ issue

What a long, strange trip it’s become, even though it’s just been a little more than a month...

The missing link

Marijuana is suspended in a strange legal and cultural limbo, somewhere between recreational drug, illegal Schedule I substance and legitimate herbal medicine. It’s a...

Fear not

Last week, U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions made a surprise appearance at the New Hampshire Youth Summit on Opioid Awareness regaling middle and high...