
Five questions for the director of the COGCC

At 9:05 a.m. on July 31, the Colorado Oil and Gas Conservation Commission (COGCC) will be holding a public meeting at CU School of...

Buckle up

Recently, while perusing the Denver Business Journal, I stumbled over the headline: “We are under attack.” I know, in 2017 those words could mean lots...

End municipalization secrecy

Let me start by saying I’m all for municipalization. I have supported the idea of forming a municipal electric utility in Boulder from the beginning. That said, I continue to be disappointed by the way that the City of Boulder conducts itself on this important issue...

Spineless politicos and the devolution of the NRA

School shootings, theater shootings, concert shootings, post-office shootings, nightclub shootings, restaurant shootings, work-place shootings. The U.S. has had hundreds of mass murders in the...

Reality TV hits the National Mall

I’ll say this as delicately as I can: Anyone who thinks it’s patriotic to roll tanks down our National Mall on the Fourth of...

On a positive note… mostly

Folks often ask me why we don’t report more “good news.” I usually fire back something along the lines of “nobody wants to read...

Why people who are unwilling to disclose their business relationships should...

It feels a bit odd to be writing this particular column. I mean, honestly, is it even possible for someone who wants to run for elected office in this day and age to be so out of touch as to suggest that they should be allowed to keep their business interests and ...

It’s time to slow down and think a bit smaller

I’ve had trouble recognizing this country lately, which is my way of saying we’ve gotten pretty cruel and shortsighted when it comes to how...

City’s cleanup of teahouse site actually deserves kudos

At first I thought it might just be the holiday season or perhaps the sense of optimism that tends to wash over me with the start of each new year. Whatever it was, I initially assumed it was tainting my perspective and clogging my journalistic BS filter. What I ...

Smart Track? We’re not that stupid

What does Smart Track have in common with the Brooklyn Bridge? They both get sold to suckers...


I think it was in 1995 that I first suggested a fix to Boulder’s affordable housing problem in the pages of Boulder Weekly. As I recall, the circumstances were a lot like today; rents and real estate prices were outrageously high for the region and the Boulder ...

Hate makes us stupid

There’s some interesting research out there that should give us all pause. To put it in laymen’s terms: Our friends in academia have found...