Guest Columns

Climate scientists are not corrupt

By Ryan DeCrescent The other day, an older gentleman’s T-shirt caught my attention. The front read:  The atmosphere is:  78% nitrogen 21% oxygen 2% H2O 0.04% CO2   Great — inarguable facts!...

PERA should divest from fossil fuels for the climate as well...

Colorado legislators and Colorado’s state pension fund — Public Employees Retirement Association (PERA) — should be paying close attention to the fact that a...

It’s time to vaccinate the world

President Joe Biden’s commitment to donate 500 million COVID-19 vaccine doses (sufficient to fully vaccinate 250 million people) was great news but, with billions...

Market forces for products, not people

There is a lot of discussion about teacher pay in the United States, and Colorado is no exception. What gets less attention is the...

Enabling versus helping

There has been an ongoing debate about the differences between enabling and helping an addict. When a family is confronted with the situation where...

Should you be afraid of the fascists in your community?

I get accused of “being over-the-top” and using hyperbole by conservative friends and acquaintances with increasing frequency. This is caused, in large part, by...

Closing the education gap

A recent article in the Daily Camera, the biannual Trends Report published by the Community Foundation of Boulder County, and the 2013 report by the...

Sustainability should not be legally impossible

I write today on behalf of the Boulder Democratic Socialists of America (DSA). This is our statement of solidarity with frontline communities worldwide, and in...

COVID carnage in India

Over the last 10 days, witnessing the bleak and horrific toll that COVID has taken across India, and all territories that India illegally occupies,...

Every day’s a holiday for the oil industry in Colorado

News surfaced last week that the oil industry has been dodging its Colorado taxes, and not just now and then, but systematically. The tax,...

What about our farmers? 

Earlier this year, in the midst of a trade war with China, President Donald Trump announced a $16 billion agriculture bailout, telling Americans, via...

Opening your heart for Valentine’s Day

In the United States, St. Valentine’s Day is celebrated widely with candy, flowers and private expressions of affection. I proposed to my wife on...