
Oklahoma isn’t the first to see radicalist beheadings

The beheading in Moore, Okla., last month brought it all back. She wasn’t a raving beauty, just a friendly, freckle-faced girl with a warm grin and a presence that was unforgettable. She would make you feel good the second she walked into a room. She had a great ...


Fracking piece further evidence in the case for a ban...

Buy local beer, books… and why not seafood?

In case you don’t have enough to worry about, consider “early mortality syndrome.” Sounds gruesomely lethal, doesn’t it? Luckily, this is not a human disease, nor has it struck America — but it affects us anyway. EMS is a new bacterial outbreak that’s been ...

The mendacity of GMO purveyors

Tenacity can be a virtue. But the persistent push by giant food conglomerates to deceive us consumers has turned their tenacity into raw mendacity...

Democracy in the workplace

Can democracy just consist of voting at the ballot box when we spend much of our time living under a dictatorship at the workplace? Increasingly, Americans are saying no. Under the radar, many are creating collective, cooperative kinds of economic institutions that ...

Think globally and frack locally

Think globally and act locally? Some do it better than others...

Finding the money to fund higher education for all

Question: Is making higher education available to every American more important to our national interest than letting Wall Street profiteers make a few more billions-of-dollars each year...

GOP to US infrastructure: All fall down

I love groups with the gumption to take on big tasks and do what needs to be done — can-do groups that can, and do. But, uh-oh, here comes The Little Choo-Choo That Couldn’t: the U.S. Congress...

Dissecting the political party landscape

There’s a surging populist progressive insurgency of Elizabeth Warren-type Democratic candidates all over the country, according to John Nichols in the latest issue of The Nation. But not in Colorado. Our politics are sometimes described as moderate, but actually ...

Obama’s clueless view of ISIL

I would feel a lot better about Obama’s prospects for kicking the Islamic State’s ass if it weren’t for what he said in the fourth paragraph of his speech to the nation last week...

Help wash formaldehyde out of baby’s hair

Who says we’re not making progress in battling the senseless greed of corporate profiteers? Look at the big change won earlier this year when the labels on Johnson’s Baby Shampoo announced: “Improved Formula...

Mitch’s minimum-wage glitch

Sen. Minority Leader Mitch McConnell wanted to share his long-repressed feelings about a traumatic event. “It was,” Mitch confided, grim-faced, “the worst day of my political life...