
Letters | Weed whackers

Weed whackers...

Letters | Particle physics prophesies

Particle physics, prophesies...

Letters | Fracking unknowns

Fracking unknowns...

Letters l Danish and his cave

Corrections: In the March 22 story “Act legalizes cottage chefs,” the figure reported as the cap for small producers was incorrectly reported as $100,000. The cap is actually $5,000 in net revenues...

Letters | Marijuana growers should pay more for electricity

(“Where the grass isn’t greener,” Boulderganic, March 28.) These high-use customers drive the need for increased supply, which all customers have to pay for. A gas electric plant costs in the neighborhood of $80 million. Should we all have to pay increased rates, or ...

Letters | Danish goes to extremes

Danish goes to extremes...


Manufactured tripe...


Correction: In a recent Buzzlead [“A logical explanation,’ Sept 24], Boulder Weekly ran an inverted pentagram as a graphic accompanying the story. The symbol in no way represents the values or beliefs of the Spirits of Colorado Paranormal Convention. We apologize for...

Hiding worker injuries

According to the latest safety reports, workplace injuries are on the decline in our country. Great! Only ... it’s untrue. Why? Because many burns, cuts, poisonings and other on-the-job injuries are deliberately hidden from America’s Occupational Safety and ...

Your new neighborhood food market

The signature phrase of America’s booming good food movement has been expanded from “organic” to “local and sustainable...

Wall Street’s journal

Media tycoon Rupert Murdoch bought the Wall Street Journal last year, and in short order he has turned it into a tongue-clucking sympathizer with and proselytizer for the biggest of big businesses — not only on its editorial pages, but also in its news stories...

The big score in this year’s Super Bowl

For me, the most significant statistic coming out of this year’s Super Bowl was not the 31-25 score in the Green Bay Packers’ hard-fought victory over the Pittsburgh Steelers. Nor was it the $1.3 billion cost of the new, monstrously huge football palace built by ...