
Letters | Column misleads

Column misleads...

Schumer, Manchin and a green future

Recently, UN Secretary General António Guterres warned that fossil-fuel driven climate chaos is ravaging the planet. He said, “We have a choice. Collective action...

Letters: 3/31/16

Beet Field Community Brainstorm Occasionally, a stray copy of Boulder Weekly makes it over here to the hinterlands of Chaffee County. A visitor left us...

America needs more secret meetings

I have a modest proposal for breaking the political paralysis that grips Washington like a cold, dead hand slowly contracting around Uncle Sam’s throat...

Ultra-big houses for ultra-big egos

The uber-rich like to collect trophies as proof of their unsurpassed uberness...

The fountainpen economy

Even the word “greed” is not negative enough to characterize the all-out assault on workers by today’s corporate elite...

Your choice to vote or not to vote will direct the...

Not participating in the political process of the community is a potent choice. It is an acceptance of the status quo. A willingness to...

Ladies and gentlemen, not the Grateful Dead

It has been almost 20 years since legendary Grateful Dead lead guitarist Jerry Garcia transitioned to the big acid test in the sky. And since Jerry left us the debate has raged over whether the remaining members of the band — Bob Weir, Phil Lesh, Bill Kreutzmann and ...

Who’s behind ‘Fix the Debt’?

Look out — the “fixers” are coming. Top corporate chieftains and Wall Street gamblers want to tell Washington how to fix our national debt, so they’ve created a front group called “Fix the Debt” to push their agenda. Unfortunately, they’re using “fix” in the same way...


The fake president in the White House is a traitor, a liar, a braggart and a tool. Trump is violating the Constitution every chance he...

Trump tries to put his brand on GOP

Oh, joy! Oh, goody! Oh, happy day! If you love the loopy side of American politics, your dream of some serious loco for 2016 has arrived: Donnie Trump is in the race! For president. Of the United States. No, really...

Bernie and Biden vs. Trumpists in Brazil

I am writing this a few days before the election and feeling anxious. This may sound strange, but a look at the recent election...