The Anderson Files

Why Medicare for All is the only answer

Under our current patchwork health care system, the United States spends many times more than other rich nations on health care administration, pharmaceuticals and...

Trump and the deep state

Trump and his defenders have claimed that he is the victim of a gigantic conspiracy by the CIA, the FBI, the NSA, President Obama...

U.S. being treated like a developing nation

You know the old story of U.S.-based multinational corporations moving plants to the developing world, where they have a more “business-friendly,” unregulated environment under...

Trump destroyed the Rojava project

When Turkey invaded Syria, there was almost universal condemnation across the political spectrum. But the most unique protesters are the anarchists all over the...

Trump lives in shadow of Watergate

Recently, long-time investigative reporter Jefferson Morley authored an eye-opening piece in The New Republic entitled “Democrats Are Trapped in Trump’s ‘Deep State’ War.” He...

YIMBYs and housing justice

If you spend more than 30% of your income on housing, the federal government says you are “cost-burdened.” You are paying too much. According...

White people, Republicans and class

Class has been America’s dirty little secret. We have been told that we are a classless society. Tycoons and politicians regularly adopt an “everyman”...

The myth of the center-right

Senator Sherrod Brown of Ohio says that too many pundits and Democratic leaders pose a false choice “between fighting for our progressive values or...


Almost 1 million American jobs were lost to the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), according to a narrow U.S. government measure. More are...

Climate apartheid

The world is facing the prospect of “climate apartheid,” where “the wealthy pay to escape overheating, hunger and conflict while the rest of the...

Trump’s trial run for a fascist state

A few weeks ago, Trump tweeted that he will quickly deport millions of undocumented immigrants from this country. “They will be removed as fast...

How to sabotage the federal government

The Trump administration offers us a ceaseless sordid circus of chaos and confusion, which dominates the headlines. Each day is a new episode of...