Tag: sep 19 2019 issue

Fantastic Fungi

For Paul Stamets, it begins and ends with mushrooms. From death, they create life. From fractures, they create connections. And from sickness, they create...

Trade war bounty

Tariffs on U.S. goods have skyrocketed in the past year as the Trump administration has engaged in an escalating trade war with China. According...

The TV weathercasters who are shifting public opinion on the climate...

This story originally appeared in The Guardian. It is republished here as part of Boulder Weekly’s partnership with Covering Climate Now, a global collaboration...

Local flavors

It’s hard to figure out what’s going on food-wise in Boulder and around the state. Various publications and organizations have local bloggers and columnists...

Running local

There’s climbing all the Colorado 14ers — which typically takes a few years and culminates in the right to wear an “I climbed all...

Astrology 9/19/19

ARIES March 21-April 19: We’re in the equinoctial season. During this pregnant pause, the sun seems to hover directly over the equator; the lengths of...

Spices of the corn

When people say they like pumpkin spice-flavored foods, what they mean is they like pumpkin pie-flavored foods. The difference between spice and pie being...

Try this week: Mile High Pho’s Panang Curry Chicken, and more

Panang Curry Chicken Mile High Pho, 1100 W. Dillon Road, Louisville, milehighpho.org Louisville’s Mile High Pho turns out Vietnamese fare from sandwiches to entrees to, of...

Fear and trembling: pews and pot edition

File under “Congressmen Say the Darnedest Things”: Republican Congressman Doug Lamborn, on Saturday, Sept. 14, told the In God We Trust Rally of the Truth...

A rose by any other name…

Would weed by any other scent still work like weed? What if the weed had no scent indeed? Perhaps the days of the doob tube...

‘Hi’ in the sky

Wind chimes, two old dogs in the sunlight. Andy, wiry and tall, long hair, in a sleeveless T, and his wife, Julie, on their...

Know your brew: Märzen 2019

According to the calendar, fall doesn’t begin until the autumnal equinox (Sept. 23), and Oktoberfest doesn’t start until 10:45 a.m. on the third Saturday in September (Sept....