Tag: sep 27 2018 issue

Windows, Walls and Invisible Lines: Sandra Lopez

Sandra Lopez I’ve been told by a number of people who’ve taken sanctuary inside the walls of religious institutions that their state of mind is...

Gilda Radner: Her voice and her writing

There seems to be an endless fascination with the famed Saturday Night Live. While the merits of the weekly television show are continually debated...

Living Lage

Tone and nuance rule the day on Julian Lage’s last album, Modern Lore. A fancy trio rambles down the dusty roads of between-genre Americana...

The hills are alive with the songs of ganja

"Legalize it, and I’ll advertise it,” Reggae artist Peter Tosh sang in 1976. Tosh isn’t around to do ganja commercials — he was murdered in...

Yours, from the creative unknown

"I kind of just follow what I’m feeling for the day,” Amanda Sandlin tells me, sipping kombucha across a tall bar table. She’s an artist,...

CBD for pets

The word is out about cannabidiol (CBD) and the incredible healing properties it offers humans, but did you know that your dog could benefit...

Plein Air Festival aims to document and grow Central City

On Friday, Sept. 28, 20 artists will travel to Central City for Central City Opera’s inaugural Plein Air Festival. For three days, they will...

Small Window

I discern a tiny space in one of fifteen minutes; two days later, I deduce which one, approach it and peer inside (can’t tell whether it’s bright or dark), hoping to glimpse a poem — or the closest edge of one. Jethro McClellan was born in Boston, moved out West before he turned five, and has called Boulder home for most of his life....

Showing up to fear

The sound of heavy rockfall echoes off of the nearby mountains. Like gophers, heads pop out of tents searching for debris. The smell of...

Astrology 9/27/18

ARIES March 21-April 19: Do you have any skills at living on the edge between the light and the dark? Are you curious about what...

Needs and deeds

Dear Dan: I’m a transgender woman married to a cis woman. Is cuckolding strictly a male-being-humiliated-by-his-woman-partner thing? Or does it apply to all couples? —Cuckolding...

Boulder County’s vaccination problem

This is not a story about why you should vaccinate your children. Every state, local and federal public health agency says you should, and...