Dislike: Samsung’s Facebook post invites slew of iPhone praise


Thanks to social media, gone are the days a poorly planned marketing ploy only resulted in viewers changing the channel. Now, a bad ad can generate its own buzz, as consumers have a chance to fire back.

That’s the issue for Samsung right now on Facebook, where a poorly phrased post on the Samsung Mobile USA wall has kicked off an avalanche of jokes and praise for Samsung’s archrival, Apple.

The post, “If you could only take one electronic device on to a deserted island, what would it be?,” has garnered over 12,000 comments, ranging from “iphone” to “iPhone” to “vibrator.” Loquacious Facebookers have pointed out that Samsung “wouldn’t even have coverage,” which is true because Samsung does not provide cell phone coverage.

The comments are quickly mounting. See the post here and see the story at BGR.


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