Correction: Last week’s Boulderganic article “20 years behind Europe” used numbers of anaerobic digesters on farms and at wastewater treatment plants from the American Biogas Council’s online FAQs page. However, these numbers are outdated and other information on the site reflects current data. “ The U.S. has over 2,100 sites producing biogas: 247 anaerobic digesters on farms and 1,241 at wastewater treatment plants, as well as 38 standalone anaerobic digesters and 645 landfill gas projects.” Our apologies for any inconvenience.

Yes to a strong COP21 agreement

I agree with Christian O’Rourke that a strong international climate agreement would benefit Colorado [Re: “An ambitious agreement would benefit Colorado,” Dec. 10], and I’d like to point out another way this could be true. Consider the case of a revenue-neutral carbon fee with dividend. Under this increasingly popular market-based concept for reducing greenhouse gas emissions, a fee would be instituted on all carbon-based fuels, and 100 percent of the fee revenue would be returned equally to U.S. households. This national system would reward climatefriendly states for using renewable energy and reducing per-capita emissions. And it would be comprehensive enough to address the scale of the climate problem while leveling the playing field by preventing unfair competition or “importing” of greenhouse gases via products made in higher-emitting areas. Low carbon consumers could actually make money and choose to invest in clean energy options, while large consumers would have an extra incentive to make changes. Colorado’s renewable portfolio standard (requiring investor-owned utilities to generate 30 percent of electricity with renewables by 2020), renewable energy industry and research and development, and forward-thinking citizenry position us well to benefit under such a system. A study from the nonpartisan Regional Economic Models, Inc. suggests a revenue-neutral carbon fee would slash emissions and add net jobs to the U.S. economy, with major benefits for the mountain west region (see citizensclimatelobby.org/remi-report/). There are economic, environmental, and ethical reasons for Coloradans to support a strong climate change pact — we must remind our representatives of that.

Jarett Zuboy/Golden

My view of Dem debate 

Bernie hammers in the issue of income inequality. It really is behind everything else. It creates an overworked, poorly fed, discouraged, disenfranchised populace that doesn’t want to take part in the political process.

It then impacts climate change, the media, education, pensions, womens rights, race relations, equal rights for all, etc.

Bernie presents the greatest threat to the “establishment” everywhere in the world. He identifies the roots of our problems. He names climate change the greatest threat, even more than ISIS. He is opposed to everything the “establishment” has wanted us to do: TPP, the wars, an inordinate focus on ISIS threat and national security, a shift in the wealth of this country.

So Bernie’s access to supporters and potential supporters was practically shut down by closing access to the database (maintained by a company with a long history with the Clintons).

The debates are set at a time when few Americans will watch. The Talking Heads declare Hillary as the frontrunner and say how the other two will have to behave to make a strong show in the debates. O’Malley complies and begins that aspect of the “show.” Bernie, seeing what is being done, gets worked up also but it is because he is passionate about issues and knows how the show is directed.

Other issues are permitted, but as in the second debate, ISIS and national security take up the most time and allow Hillary to tout her international experience, all of which is not as positive as it is played.

This morning The New York Times declares Hillary the winner, and that Bernie’s issue about income inequality is dead. The campaign is NOW, they say, about ISIS and national security. REALLY?

So two people in San Bernardino, in one terrorist incident, have shifted the entire campaign for President of the United States!!! (as an aside, did any of the even worse domestic terrorist incidents create such a tectonic shift?) 

Padma Wick/Longmont


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