Texas Republican owns up to ‘baby killer’ remark


WASHINGTONTexas congressman Randy Neugebauer is a banker — a quiet, polite guy who has made few waves in Congress and was little known beyond West Texas until he shouted out “baby killer” during the tense final hours of the health care debate.

“I’m just trying to represent the people of the 19th Congressional District,” Neugebauer told Lubbock, Texas,
TV station KCBD on Monday. “The intensity of the American people was
represented in my intensity last night. … I still believe that that Senate bill is a baby-killing bill.”

Neugebauer, a Republican, also denied he was calling
a Democratic colleague a name; he said his full comment referred to the
health care legislation itself.

But the fallout was immediate, as Neugebauer was the subject of daylong media reports and White House condemnation. His Democratic opponent called the outburst “embarrassing” both for Neugebauer and the people of West Texas.
Allies called it an uncharacteristic flash of intensity from a mild,
four-term, 60-year-old Republican whose anti-abortion views run deep.

Still, no one was predicting the otherwise
mild-mannered Neugebauer would turn into quite the sort of cause
celebre as the hot-tempered Rep. Joe Wilson, R-S.C.., who heckled Barack Obama as a liar during the president’s speech to Congress in September.

Both Wilson and his Democratic opponent quickly
raised copious sums of campaign cash after the incident. Neugebauer
seemed more sheepish than defiant Monday as he confessed to being the
heckler Sunday night.

He issued a written apology both to the U.S. House and he called the apparent target, Rep. Bart Stupak, D-Mich., to explain himself.

Democrats viewed it as a damaging pattern of self-inflicted GOP
behavior as health care came to a head, in step with racial epithets
hurled at black lawmakers and anti-gay slurs aimed at Rep. Barney Frank, D-Mass. These comments, strategists said, kept the focus away from GOP complaints about the cost of the bill and how it was “crammed” down Americans’ throats.

At the White House, press secretary Robert Gibbs chastised the heckler, even as he acknowledged passions ran high.

“We ought to be able to have that debate without the
type of language and actions that we’ve seen in some places over the
weekend,” he said.

Neugebauer cruised to re-election by a ratio of 3-1 in 2008 and ran unopposed in the GOP primary this month. This year’s Democratic opponent, engineer and first-time candidate Andy Wilson, has raised less than $7,000 — about 1/100th of the incumbent’s war chest.

Wilson would have voted for the bill, he said,
adding he finds it “ironic” Neugebauer would shout at Stupak, who led
group of anti-abortion Democrats demanding guarantees against taxpayer
support for abortion.

“This is a pretty isolated case, but it’s indicative
of maybe the frustration Mr. Neugebauer feels in not being able to be
an effective part of legislating,” Wilson said. “The one voice we’ve
had has been, in my opinion, an embarrassment.”

Lubbock County GOP chairman Chris Winn said Neugebauer has zero to fear in terms of voter backlash. Quite the
contrary, because the comments reflect the passions of his constituents.

“Congressman Neugebauer represents his district as a
Christian conservative, and has done so with a great deal of respect,”
Winn said. “He’s a gentleman, and his words should not be taken as
hateful or cruel. He is probably one of the most courteous people
you’ll ever meet.”

Abortion foes say Neugebauer was right in saying the
legislation expands the federal role in paying for and promoting
abortion. At the Texas Alliance for Life, executive director Joe Pojman noted his district is safely Republican.

“He’s always been solid on life issues. … We’ve always been supportive. This won’t change that, obviously,” Pojman said.

Neugebauer’s other spotlight moment came last
summer, when he backed the “birther bill” requiring presidential
candidates to show proof they were born on American soil. The liberal
MSNBC host Keith Olbermann called him the “Worst Person in the World” for saying he wasn’t sure if Obama would qualify.

As for Stupak, he accepted the personal apology but said the breech called for a more explicit apology to the House.

“I also let him know that, while we all have had a
very long week and tensions were high leading up to the vote Sunday
night, I feel it is important for members to maintain decorum of the
House,” the Democrat said.



60 years old, he and wife Dana live in Lubbock, Texas, and have two children

Political career: Six years on Lubbock City Council. Won U.S. House seat in June 2003, replacing Agriculture Committee Chairman Larry Combest. Defeated Rep. Charlie Stenholm after redistricting in 2004. Serves on the Agriculture, Financial Services and Science committees.

Professional career: Banker and owner of a land-development company.

Education: Bachelor’s degree from Texas Tech University


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