Letters: 10/17/19

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Regarding BW’s endorsement of Bagley for Longmont mayor

Well. It definitely shows y’all drink heavily for endorsement conversations.

Schuyler Trowbridge, candidate for Longmont mayor

Influxus obnoxious

As one of those who discontinued subscribing to the Denver Post for its support of Cory Gardner over Mark Udall, but renewed when it seemed more balanced, I am now wary of the influx of Independence Institute members on its editorial pages. This self-annointed “think tank” is funded primarily by distant, ultra-wealthy Conservative promoters, such as the Koch brothers and, most assuredly, the NRA. Its financial supporters are never revealed. Combined with the conglomerate arms of conservative AM talk radio, including KOA and multiple other “local” stations, the propaganda outreach attacking the Democratic Party and its “leftist/socialist” solutions to America’s socioeconomic ailments, never slows in its efforts to derail Colorado’s progressive shift. One wishes there were more local ownership of media sources, ones that better reflect thoughts and opinions here, rather than those of outside influence and manipulation.                   

Robert Porath/Boulder


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